The aim of the Code of Conduct is to provide an enjoyable, comfortable, safe and rewarding environment for all people associated with the Inverloch Bowling Club.

It is expected that members, staff  and visitors of the Club will at all times;

  • participate in an environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination including conduct that discriminates directly or indirectly on the basis of race, religion, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin,
  • be friendly, courteous and respectful towards other members,      visitors and paid staff,
  • respect team mates, opponents, officials and the rules of the game,
  • refrain from undertaking behaviour that would bring the game or the Club into disrepute
  • behave in non-violent and non-abusive ways,
  • respect the positions of office bearers, committee members and employees of the Club,
  • treat the property and facilities of the club with respect,
  • contribute positively to the sporting and social activities of    the Club.

The Code of Conduct is based on mutual respect.

All members are expected to help ensure behaviour is appropriate by reminding offending members of their obligations. However, this must be done carefully and calmly at all times.

Breaches will be managed, with honesty and dignity, through the Board of the Inverloch Bowling Club Inc who reserves the right to make decisions and enforce fair and appropriate measures to resolve a breach of the Code of Conduct.

Any reported breach of the Code of Conduct will be investigated, discussed and dealt with by the Board of Management by imposing either a reprimand, suspension, or revoking of Club membership.