The Inverloch Bowling Club has 3 sides competing in Tuesday Pennant Bowls and 4 sides competing in Saturday’s competition. The season starts with practice matches in September and runs through to early March with a break over the Christmas / New Year period.

Both Tuesday and Saturday are mixed gender open competitions, run by the Strzelecki South Bowls Region, under the auspices of Bowls Victoria.

  • Tuesday roll-up is a 9.40am for 10am start,
  • Saturday roll-up is 12.40pm for 1.00pm start.

To participate you must be an Affiliated (Full) Member of the Inverloch Bowling Club.

New players wishing to join our pennant teams are always welcome and can contact the appropriate Selection Committee Chairperson to discuss their inclusion.

Click here on Club Management – for Selection Committee Members.

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